Running a Business

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Attracting Employees

2024-04-08T19:42:28+00:00June 30th, 2020|

By knowing what you’re looking for in an employee and providing incentives to attract skilled candidates, you can create a strong team. Your Role Offering the right incentives will help attract the best possible talent to your business. Most potential employees look for a company that offers a well-rounded health plan. Depending on how extensive

Health Benefits

2024-04-08T19:44:17+00:00June 30th, 2020|

Health insurance has changed dramatically in the last few years, which means you'll have to consider various healthcare options. It’s common practice for small businesses to include health insurance in an employee benefits package. And since group plans are generally cheaper than an individual policy, both you and your employees can be covered for less

Keeping Your Employees

2024-04-08T19:53:41+00:00June 30th, 2020|

You’ve found an ambitious, hard-working group of employees to help make your business a success. Now your challenge is to create a motivational, exciting, and productive workplace. As an employer, it’s important to stay aware of your employees’ feelings about their jobs, as well as establish a rewarding environment in your workplace, whether that's an

Funds to Build Your Business

2024-04-08T19:58:05+00:00June 30th, 2020|

Building a business costs money—usually more than you can generate from your operating revenues alone. Securing the funds you need will require careful planning and preparation. Whether you’re a fully operating business looking to add a new truck to your fleet or build a new location, or if you're just starting out, you’ll need money

Documentation for SBA Loans

2024-04-08T20:02:04+00:00June 30th, 2020|

The Small Business Administration (SBA) is a US-based institution which helps reduce risk to lenders, making it easier for small businesses like yours to get a loan. Loans backed by the SBA ("SBA loans") provide many benefits to small businesses, including long repayment options with reasonable interest rates. They also help lenders by guaranteeing a

Professional Help with Your Business

2024-04-08T20:06:58+00:00June 30th, 2020|

Although it’s tempting to try and run a business on your own, it’s usually a good idea to get professional help. Hiring lawyers and accountants can help keep you out of legal and financial trouble, while public relations experts get your company in the public eye. Technology consultants keep you aware of the solutions that

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