
First Southern National Bank has partnered with Banzai to bring you clear, in-depth lessons to help you dive into the financial topics you care most about.

Workplace Cybersecurity

2024-05-23T20:37:38+00:00November 4th, 2021|

Coach: Workplace Cybersecurity HOW IT WORKS Interacting with technology at work is almost impossible to avoid. Do you know how to keep safe from the threats of malware, hackers, and scammers? It only takes one little slip-up to cause a big problem. This Coach session works like a training session, quizzing and improving four areas within your personal

What Auto Loan Can I Afford?

2024-05-23T20:42:52+00:00November 4th, 2021|

Coach: What Auto Loan Can I Afford? HOW IT WORKS You need a car, but how much can you actually afford? This Coach starts by walking you through a doable monthly payment, based on your income and expenses, then shows you a purchase price range that fits your budget. You’ll learn more about auto loans and

Term Life Insurance

2024-05-23T20:45:43+00:00November 4th, 2021|

Coach: Term Life Insurance HOW IT WORKS Most people realize the value of term life insurance to protect and provide for loved ones after they are gone but haven’t taken the next step to figure out just how much insurance they need. In this Coach session, you’ll figure out why you need life insurance and receive

Business Structure Quiz

2024-05-23T20:51:16+00:00August 30th, 2021|

Coach: Setting Up Your Business HOW IT WORKS When you are setting up a business, the structure you choose for your business will impact your tax bill, ability to attract investors, liability, and more. This hybrid Coach and quiz allow you to learn about and compare the four most popular business structures: sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC,

Out of Work

2024-05-23T20:53:11+00:00August 23rd, 2021|

Coach: Out of Work HOW IT WORKS When you're out of work, it’s natural to feel unsure of what to do next. This Coach walks you through potential impacts to your budget, insurance, retirement funds, and more, and explores your options for dealing with lost benefits and finding a new job. You’ll finish with a custom

Earning Extra Income

2024-05-30T17:16:16+00:00August 11th, 2021|

Coach: Earning Extra Income HOW IT WORKS When it comes to earning extra income, you’ve got options—and those options have options! In this Coach session, walk through the ins and outs of extra income, including expenses and tax implications. To begin the Coach session, select Get Started. Next, follow along, answer questions, and provide information when asked.

The Cost of a Wedding

2024-05-30T17:17:31+00:00April 16th, 2021|

Coach: The Cost of a Wedding HOW IT WORKS Successfully planning a wedding within your budget is challenging but rewarding. This Coach offers assistance in estimating wedding costs specific to you and your partner’s wedding plans. It’s designed to help you get a head start on deciding where, when, and how you’ll be hosting your event. To

Repairing Credit

2024-05-30T17:19:09+00:00April 16th, 2021|

Coach: Repairing Credit HOW IT WORKS Not sure where to begin repairing a less-than-ideal credit score? In this Coach session, get ideas for repairing your credit score in the short- and long-term and create an actionable list. To begin, select Get Started. Follow the prompts, answer the questions, and provide information when asked.

How Do I Build Credit?

2024-05-30T17:23:54+00:00April 16th, 2021|

Coach: How Do I Build Credit? HOW IT WORKS A good credit score has a major impact on your finances, so it’s important to start out strong. In this Coach session, learn how to build a credit score for the first time or boost an already decent score, and create a plan with options that work for

Financial Wellness Assessment

2024-05-30T17:22:36+00:00April 15th, 2021|

Coach: Financial Wellness Assessment HOW IT WORKS The Financial Wellness Assessment lets you take a step back, analyze your spending, budgeting, and saving habits so you can reflect on how you’re currently managing personal finances. This assessment addresses your individual financial decisions and goals before giving you recommendations on where you can improve and how to get

Your Tax Return Pre-Game

2024-05-30T17:25:54+00:00March 23rd, 2021|

Your Tax Return Pre-Game HOW IT WORKS Filing taxes can be intimidating—but not when you have a game plan. In this Coach session, learn the basics of filing your taxes, and how key factors like filing status, deductions, and credits influence what you owe (or get back!). To begin, select Get Started. Follow the prompts, answer the questions,

Saving With A Purpose

2024-05-30T17:27:31+00:00October 28th, 2020|

Coach: Saving With a Purpose HOW IT WORKS Saving with a purpose is the secret to making your goals a reality. This Coach session will help you set concrete savings goals and show you how much you need to save every month to reach them. To begin the Coach session, select Get Started. Next, follow along,

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