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So far Amber Phillips has created 309 blog entries.

Seguro para inquilinos

2024-04-18T17:47:33+00:00April 18th, 2024|

La política de un seguro para inquilinos puede ayudar a proteger su propiedad personal y protegerlo a usted de responsabilidades por accidentes que ocurran en el espacio en el que vive. Las cosas salen mal ¿Por qué necesita seguro si alquila? La política del seguro del propietario cubre el edificio. Si un techo con gotera

9 Questions to Ask at Open Enrollment

2024-04-18T17:43:17+00:00April 18th, 2024|

It can be hard to anticipate your healthcare needs for the coming year, but your company’s annual open enrollment period is the time to consider what you think you’ll need. Here are nine questions to think through as you assess which health plan provides the care you need at a price you can afford. 1.

How to Teach Income Tax: Lessons & Resources

2024-04-18T16:05:37+00:00April 18th, 2024|

Adolescence is the perfect time to start teaching taxes—what they are, how they work, why we pay them, etc. Taxes are filed differently based on income and lifestyle, making it difficult to explain all the intricacies that come with filing taxes. But students can still learn tax basics early so they'll understand the concept as

Federal Income Taxes

2024-04-18T16:00:38+00:00April 18th, 2024|

Federal Income Taxes are a percentage of an individual’s or business’s income paid to the government and used to fund public goods and services. If you understand how these taxes work and their purpose, you can better appreciate the benefits and better account for the loss. Taxable Income Federal income taxes are charged only on taxable

Teaching Tax Basics

2024-04-18T15:42:50+00:00April 18th, 2024|

Looking for ways to teach students about income taxes, deductions, etc.? Good news! There are tons of great resources out there to help you do just that. Let’s start by taking a look at two very important points related to teaching taxes: What are taxes? Taxes are required payments to local and federal governments—businesses and

Transitioning to Retirement

2024-04-08T18:50:48+00:00April 8th, 2024|

Transitioning to retirement takes planning and preparation. But if you're wise, you can set yourself up for success. Whether you have a pension or a retirement fund that you've been contributing to during you career, you might need your first retirement payment the month after you receive you last paycheck. This means you'll need to

Understanding IRAs

2024-04-08T18:34:41+00:00April 8th, 2024|

Individual retirement accounts(IRAs) are personal retirement plans. You must earn income to contribute, and will usually build the plan over several decades. Roth vs Traditional There are two types of IRAs: a traditional IRA and a Roth IRA. The main difference between them is when you pay taxes. A traditional IRA is tax deferred. This

Social Security Basics

2024-04-08T18:28:12+00:00April 8th, 2024|

Social Security was established more than 85 years ago during the Great Depression and continues today as a main retirement vehicle for many Americans. Although best known for its retirement benefits, Social Security also provides life and disability insurance, and processes applications for Medicare. Employees who’ve worked and paid into Social Security through payroll deductions

Understanding Tax-Advantaged Retirement Savings

2024-04-08T18:13:16+00:00April 8th, 2024|

Understanding and effectively utilizing your tax-advantaged retirement savings options can have a big impact on your current and future finances.Traditional AccountsMany employers offer tax-advantaged traditional 401(k) accounts or similar employer-sponsored plans for retirement savings. With these accounts, you contribute a percentage of your pre-tax income into an investment account and can only withdraw funds once you

Individual Retirement Accounts

2024-04-08T18:09:21+00:00April 8th, 2024|

For those without a retirement plan at work or those looking to maximize their retirement savings, an IRA provides an individualized saving option. What Is an Individual Retirement Account? An IRA (individual retirement account) is a retirement investment option available to anyone with earned income. You can open an IRA at most financial institutions, or through investment

Portfolio Building

2024-04-08T18:03:54+00:00April 8th, 2024|

Many people make the mistake of treating investing as a way to get rich quick by finding the one perfect stock. While that may happen every once in a while, it’s best to think of investing as a tool, rather than a lottery ticket. If used carefully, you can minimize risk and maximize your chances

Retirement Investing

2024-04-05T20:36:59+00:00April 5th, 2024|

Investing is a way to make money grow. People invest money in things like the stock market and real estate in hopes that the money they put in—their initial investment—returns more money over time. Why Invest Investing comes with risk, or the chance of loss, but it also comes with the possibility of growth way

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