After 25-years of service at our Holding Company, John Swaim retired at the end of August 2020 as Senior Vice President and Lending Manager.

When did you start your career at FSNB?
I started in May of 1995, responsible for the Nicholasville Branch after working for several years in the agricultural finance industry.
What makes First Southern Special to you?
As I came from a different company, it was quickly apparent that the culture here was different from anything I’d ever experienced. The values and the genuine care that First Southern has for team members and customers were extremely appealing.
What advice would you tell your 20-something-year-old self as you were entering your career at FSNB?
Give all you can. Save all you can. Love everybody.
How are you different because you’ve worked at First Southern National Bank?
I was naive about what it meant to be successful when I began my career. Time and experience have been my friend, and I am still learning daily. I would be most proud if those that know me the best, love and respect me the most. That is a great measure of success.
How important is building relationships in banking and in life?
Being involved in lending at First Southern, I can honestly say our view of credit is different than the majority of the world. I’ve seen the results of overextending credit. It is difficult to say “no” to a customer, but when I see them pay down their debt and reach their goals or avoid financial tragedy, it’s truly a celebration. Being able to build those relationships with customers and walk alongside them in their financial journey has been one of the most rewarding things about working here.
What does it mean to “be there” for customers?
Showing care and concern for our customers, even when they didn’t ask or expect it. I’ve experienced team members visit individuals in the hospital or food being taken to assist them during difficult times. Our team members enjoy genuine relationships with our customers, and these real friendships will last.
Thanks for sharing your wisdom and guidance with us, John! We wish you the very best in your retirement, and your First Southern National Bank family greatly misses you!