Relationships are a core value at First Southern National Bank. They matter a lot – in our faith, our families, our friendships and our work. That’s why we want to introduce our team to you by sharing their stories! Learn more about Brandon Griffin, a loan officer at the Stanford branch.

What is your first memory of money as a child?
One of my first memories of money was when I purchased my first dirt bike. I spent most of spring and summer saving every dollar I came across. When it came time to exchange my hard-earned cash for the dirt bike, I remember being so sick at my stomach for spending the cash I had worked so hard to save up. However, it was fulfilling to know that I had worked to purchase that dirt bike, and I had done so with my own savings.
How long have you worked at First Southern?
I have been with First Southern since May 2011.
Have you held any other roles here?
Teller, Operations Support, Administrative Support/Marketing Support, Accountant and currently Loan and Business Development Officer.
What makes First Southern special to you?
At First Southern, faith, family and friendships are always top priority. We believe that focusing our attention and intentions on these topics will allow everything else to fall in place, and that is truly special.
What is your favorite memory from First Southern?
At First Southern, we are always looking to lend a hand to help in our communities and abroad. We believe it is our duty to serve our community and to help those that are in need. My favorite example is our Christmas Grocery Delivery. Each year our team here at Vincent Drive will take a day in December to purchase, organize and deliver groceries to families and individuals that are in need. It is great to see each member of our team helping one another coordinate the day, and it is wonderful to see that we are helping those in need in our communities.
What do you like to do outside of work?
My life outside of work revolves around spending time with my family and spending time outdoors. I am an avid hunter, and I also love to raise a garden during the summer. It is so rewarding to pair homegrown vegetables with recently harvested game and enjoy those foods with my family. During the winter months, I focus my attention on my woodworking hobby and any new project that may come up.
Do you have a favorite verse or quote?
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” and the rest of the passage of Matthew 6:25-34.
Brandon and all the team members at First Southern National Bank look forward to serving you. Contact Brandon, visit your local branch or today.