Relationships are a core value at First Southern National Bank. They matter a lot – in our faith, our families, our friendships and our work. That’s why we want to introduce our team to you by featuring our team members!
Learn more about McKenzie Willoughby, our newest loan and business development officer at the Lexington branch!

What are you most looking forward to about the job?
I’m excited about expanding on my relationships and developing new relationships with the opportunity to bring new loans to FSNB. I am also grateful for the opportunity to deepen my relationship with Jesus through my experiences here.
What does it mean to believe in our customers?
It means that they are family to us. Within family you trust each other, love on each other and care as much about the personal relationship as the business relationship. I believe we want to see our customers’ personal lives grow as much as their business lives.
What did you do before working here?
I spent over eight years at the Lexington Police Department.
What is the first thing you bought with your own money?
I bought an engagement ring for my wife.
What do you like to do outside of work?
I love to spend time with my family! I also enjoy sports, hunting and fishing.
What’s the best advice you were ever given? Who was it from?
“I am just one beggar telling another beggar where the bread is.” This advice was from Will Witherington who discipled me throughout college. This has resonated with me throughout my life. I continue to learn daily how to live this out more and more in my relationship with Jesus and how it translates to family, friends and business.
McKenzie and all the team members at First Southern National Bank look forward to serving you. Contact McKenzie at [email protected] or 859-265-0440, or visit your local branch to open an account today.