Financial Literacy Resource Center

First Southern National Bank has partnered with Banzai to bring you clear, in-depth lessons to help you dive into the financial topics you care most about.

Activate your Identity Theft Protection today!

2022-03-17T14:11:39+00:00March 15th, 2022|

Your new Mastercard offers a variety of free benefits, including Identity Theft Protection. With fraud and scams on the rise, protecting your personal information is more important than ever. Here is how Identity Theft Protection from Mastercard works: Protect It defends your personal information and secures your digital privacy via an online monitoring

Why do we need your driver’s license?

2022-02-17T16:59:41+00:00February 17th, 2022|

“Can I see your ID?” This is a common question at a bank, even if you visit that branch often or have your account information on hand. Why do we need to see your driver’s license, passport or other forms of government-issued ID? It proves that you are really you! By matching an

3 simple ways to practice cybersecurity

2022-02-15T21:29:01+00:00February 8th, 2022|

Stay updated. Installing updates when they are available helps protect you against bugs and other problems. Next time your phone, computer, app or program offers an update, select ‘yes’ instead of ‘no’ or ‘remind me later.’ Use strong passwords. Weak passwords make you susceptible to hackers and identity theft. Keep your data safe by creating unique passwords

Security and your new Mastercard debit card

2022-02-07T21:44:52+00:00January 26th, 2022|

Are debit cards safer than cash? Can you use a debit card when shopping online? Using your debit card is more secure than you might think! Debit cards are safer to carry than cash. If you accidentally drop your cash or lose your wallet, your money is gone. There is no way to

Preventing Scams on Seniors

2021-09-03T17:24:14+00:00September 2nd, 2021|

Each year, millions of seniors fall victim to financial fraud or schemes. However, it is estimated that only one in 44 senior scam victims report their victimization. Fraudsters use many tactics to scam, but there are also many red flags to watch out for. RED FLAGS If it sounds too good to

Fraud Alert – Spam Call Warning

2021-08-30T15:04:15+00:00August 30th, 2021|

We take your privacy seriously, and we’re constantly working to protect you from criminal activity. It has come to our attention that fraudsters are impersonating First Southern National Bank by phone, stating the customer needs to take action to prevent account lockout. The fraudsters are using a form of Caller ID spoofing to

Seven Ways to Avoid Child Tax Credit Scams

2021-08-11T13:26:11+00:00July 28th, 2021|

Consider these 7 tips to avoid being the subject of fraudulent activity related to the Child Tax Credit. As monthly child tax credit payments have begun, so have scammers' attempts to use the payments as a way to fraudulently steal money or personal information from families. BE WARY OF CONTACTS Be wary

Cash App scams on the rise

2021-06-29T16:37:50+00:00June 28th, 2021|

Person-to-person payment apps are convenient, and usage continues to grow. However, there has also been an increase in fraud and scams. Here's what you need to know. You meet a friend for dinner and split an appetizer. You get a babysitter for the evening but don’t have cash on hand to pay them.

Common Password Errors

2021-03-19T13:04:47+00:00March 17th, 2021|

"Your password has expired. Please change it as soon as possible!" This is a necessary alert, but it can seem daunting to set up effective and unique passwords for various online accounts. On top of setting these hard passwords, remembering them can sometimes be even harder – but that’s the point! As cyber

Don’t Let Your SBA PPP Loan Make You a Target For Scammers!

2021-01-08T20:11:51+00:00January 8th, 2021|

While the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) was geared to help businesses, fraudsters love to target small business owners during these difficult economic times. FRAUD PREVENTION TIPS Logos May Not Mean Legit The presence of a Small Business Administration (SBA) logo on an email or webpage does not guarantee the information is accurate or endorsed

Coronavirus News Cycle Provides Opportunity for Scammers

2021-01-29T21:52:46+00:00January 6th, 2021|

The Coronavirus is all over the headlines of every news outlet around the world. By now, you’ve likely heard about it. Scammers have too, and they are taking advantage of the fear surrounding the outbreaks. Your personal information and financial security are of utmost importance to First Southern National Bank. This is why we do our best to

Seven Scams to be Aware of During the Holiday Season

2020-12-11T15:59:41+00:00December 11th, 2020|

The holidays are a time of giving. Here are some tips to make sure scammers aren't taking advantage of your generosity this Christmas season! Online Shopping Scams Scammers often offer too-good-to-be-true deals through advertisements or phishing e-mails. These schemes often offer brand-name merchandise at extremely low prices. Consumers should avoid untrustworthy sites

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